Fuku Pay
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- No personal information.
- No Google Analytics.
- No advertising.
- No offsite tracking.
- No cameras watching you.
- Not part of a globalist agenda. #FUT
- This website is free and easy so you don't have to be.
- Keep free speech free. Are we allowed to say that?
- Log your work hours.
- Compare time worked to time paid
- Create reports.
- Export your data to a CSV file.
- Data older than 1 year is deleted.
- Calculations are done for you.
- Dormant accounts are removed after 1 year.
- We are not responsible for any lost data nor lost keys.
- Fuku (福) means
good fortune
in Japanese.
- In English,
can have a slightly different meaning.
- Which interpretation you use is up to you.
- Who created
Fuku Pay
? I did.
- Why? Because I was bored and we need to hold employers accountable.
- Yes, there's a disclaimer. There's always a disclaimer.